Conventional mortgage in Mexico
for international buyers
The digitally-processed mortgage loan with greater flexibility, speed, and simplicity in Mexico.
Intrigued? Take the next step and click here to pre-qualify for this amazing opportunity!
Pre-qualification in minutes.
Regardless of immigration status.
Rates from 10.60% to 11.18%, based on term and capacity, not on risk level.
Credit score:
- No commitee: 725+
- With commitee: 689+ -
Jumbo loans for salaried employees up to 90% of capacity.
No account opening is required for direct debit.
Minimum from $500,000 Mexican Pesos
Minimum home value: $1,250,000 Mexican Pesos
LTV 90% for employees and 80% for self-employed
Amortization up to 30 years
Opening fee of 2%
Life insurance: 1.0% per thousand
Property insurance: $0.4 per thousand
Administration fee: $399 + taxes per month

No medical study is required
No socioeconomic study is required
The co-borrower does not need to be related to the borrower
The property can be in restricted areas, with purchase through a trust
Click here to pre-qualify
Characteristics of the property
Located in consolidated urban areas
Residential or mixed land use (when it does not exceed 20% of the total construction)
Remaining useful life of at least 1.5 times the credit term as determined by an appraiser.

Interest Rates

Documents needed
Foreign salaried employee
18 months on the job (max. 6 months labor gap)
Account statements showing deposits (last 3 months) + proof of employment
Home country credit bureau with score and account details
Permanent, temporary, or multiple migratory status
Foreign independent employee
The last 3 months account statements
The last 2 complete annual tax returns
Home country credit bureau with account details